Notes from Glenn entering our 4th week supporting our Clients & Caregivers with office team & nurses working remotely
The last few weeks have been unprecedented for the entire world/country and here at WFC the entire team has been doing truly exceptional work In the field and working remotely. Over the coming weeks I will be highlighting our general practices as well specific accomplishments across the team.
We are on high alert to do our best to keep clients, caregivers, staff and all their families healthy and safe during this unprecedented Coronavirus period.
WFC is fully operational in caring for our existing clients as well as actively taking on new clients. Our staff is operating remotely and entering our fourth week of working virtually with field visits for supplies and critical visits. Our caregivers are active in the field, and we have instituted specific practices to keep clients and staff safe, including recent NYS Department of Health regulations and the CDC protocols.
We’ll be sharing updates regularly like this one for the duration of the Pandemic to keep our communities informed and to solicit feedback for suggestions or questions. In addition to new coronavirus safety measures, we have implemented new technical enhancements, procedures, and communications to ensure we continue to assist our clients at optimal levels.
Exceptional work is being done, both when we were still in the office and now, remotely. We are fully operational and working diligently to service our clients who are most vulnerable during this Pandemic. We have worked remotely in the past and our processes are well tested. While the disruption of having the entire office and nursing teams work remotely for an extended period Is unprecedented, WFC has successfully operated on a virtual basis during prior weather-related stoppages. Our primary concerns during such emergencies are to keep communications and technology up and running for seamless operations. Consequently we regularly confirm:
- that inbound phone calls are answered promptly 7X24;
- personal computers and tablets are updated and have access to the required information;
- fully operational for Skype chats and video calls;
- we are implementing cameras / softphones for all users working remotely;
- have secure access to all client and caregiver records which have all been scanned as part of our ongoing processes.
Operating Procedures
Our regular safety procedures are being rigorously followed, and we have added new ones that are specific to Coronavirus. Caregivers screened before each shift for possible exposures or illness and check their temperature before every shift. At every client visit, the caregiver arrives equipped with and trained in the use of personal protection equipment (PPE) such as gloves and masks and hand sanitizer and thermometers, for both themselves and our clients where needed. When necessary, we will deliver the needed equipment directly to client homes.
Enhanced Communications with Clients and All WFC Team Members
We understand the importance of regular communications under normal circumstances and especially now during a crisis. We are in constant communications with our clients, their families, our staff, and our caregiving teams. The team servicing each client comprises a Nurse, a Home Care Coordinator, an HR professional and of course the Caregiver.
Increased communications include:
- Clients and caregivers alike have received emails about safety precautions, followed by postal mailings;
- In addition to normal calls/emails throughout the day, we have focused twice daily calls at the beginning and end of day with the entire office and nursing teams to review overnight and daily activities;
- Before each shift, a Nurse or other member of the team calls each caregiver to a.) ensure they have taken their temperatures and it is normal and b.) determine if there are issues and to assist with resolving quickly. All calls and requests are logged;
- Our Coordinators regularly field any caregiver sick calls and schedule replacements appropriately;
- The Nurse assigned to each individual client makes a phone call to check in at least once a week with the client and/or family member.
WFC Is Accepting New Clients
We have taken on new cases during the Pandemic in many situations: respite or replacement for privately hired caregivers who cannot continue; clients who are returning home from the hospital or rehab; where family members are remote and would like someone help their elderly loved one.
“The Little Things”
It’s important to remember that unusual interruptions like the Coronavirus Pandemic create uncertainty and stress for all of us. We are especially attentive to whether a client might need deliveries or essential doctor appointments scheduled to keep a consistent schedule on course. Just as important is being sensitive to a heightened sense of loneliness and isolation – among both clients and caregivers.
All issues are being addressed as quickly as possible, and we’re paying particular attention to the “softer” concerns. For example, some WFC employees find comfort in bringing home their desk chair or other office items and we encourage this and find it strengthens our connections to each other as team members.
Westchester Family Care Is Here for You
It’s moments like these when we take stock of how we are all connected, and it’s important to work as hard as we can to ensure the health and safety for all of our communities: staff, caregivers and clients and their families. We urge all to regularly check the CDC’s Novel Coronavirus webpage for updates. Additionally, the NYS Department of Health has excellent information on prevention and the latest news on its Novel Coronavirus webpage as well.
Westchester Family Care Inc. assists people of all ages, by customizing home care plans to maintain a healthy quality of life and safety at home.
Contact WFC for an immediate family need or when planning for future needs:, 914-764-7500,
Westchester Family Care Provides Peace of Mind and Confidence that the Elderly Are Safe and Living with Dignity in Their Own Home.