Glenn also has a strong entrepreneurial and independent streak that has previously resulted in successful enterprises. The commonality between his corporate experience and entrepreneurial ventures is that Glenn engenders fierce loyalty and affection among both colleagues and staff alike.
Glenn dedicates serious time to business networking and to connect with peer groups and other professionals. He is a progressive forward-thinking executive who also manages to share and give relentlessly. Rather than draining energy from him, networking helps quench his thirst for knowledge about his industry and C-Suite philosophies.
Plus, Glenn has an ability to attract, mentor, and lead a team that oars in the same direction. This skill was no more evident than during the COVID-19 lockdown when WFC moved its office and nursing teams to virtual platforms. Results: employees retained their jobs, the company significantly upped its digital performance/communications, and has weathered these unprecedented times. Under fire and during a crisis, Glenn’s steady leadership propelled WFC forward with his insight to transfer in-person processes to digital platforms and his deep well of compassion for clients.
Glenn used the unfortunate circumstances of his family’s Alzheimer’s ordeals to guide him through solving problems and ultimately to start up a new enterprise.
“We quickly realized that there were many families like ours who were dealing not only with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia but an entire array of illnesses and disabilities. And like us, they wanted their loved one to be cared for and to be safe and to be home.”
“But they needed help. We found that sharing what we had learned through our experience was not only helpful to others but gratifying for us. So why do we care? We care because we understand the pain, the sadness, and the confusion.”
“We’ve been there. We understand that every client and personal situation is different and requires an individual, customized solution. We also know that your health and peace of mind are important too.”
“So this became our mission and Westchester Family Care was born. And, as proud as I am of our expansive growth, the feedback I most appreciate is hearing I’ve been the calm voice in the room for Family Clients.”
Glenn Lane, Founder